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Jones, Katie Minter

Oak Trees In Heaven (Explaining Death To Children)               
24pp illus. $6.00 includes shipping

(478) 836-5413 or e-mail ktbug50@juno.com

A great teaching resource to aid those working with children going through the grieving process or for children to read themselves.  It is recommended for children and those working with children and a must for funeral homes.



Strickland, D.K.

Crossroads Of Life
152pp $12.00

(334) 774-4281

Reflections of a man from deep sin to close following of Christ. True story of man's journey from sinful youth to glorious maturity. Perfect for Youth Bible studies. Would be appropriate on any Counselor's bookshelf.


Virgil, Dr. B. Josephe

You Don't Hear A Word I Say
112pp $10.00

(912) 746-0440

Collection of sermons that encourage responses from the congregation. Biblical teaching that grabs your attention from beginning to end. Valuable for young pastors. Makes and excellent resource for developing sermons.


Walker, Jane Rhoda

In The Night Seasons
240 pp $12.00

(412) 462-8233

Poems that offer consultation, inspiration and coping skills for a more empowered life for Jesus Christ. Clearly penned from the authors heart. Extremely moving poetry. Makes good reading for both young and the young at heart.


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